Thursday, July 19, 2012

Chapter 10: Future is now

Blog 10:

Technology has come very long way and will continue to grow even more. My reactions to chapter 10 make me curious to see what is in stake for the future to come. Now days, it seems like it’s a must to own a touch screen phone and have unlimited apps such as facebook, twitter and insta-gram. It always amazes me 10 years ago these things didn’t exist but now people find it to be a necessity. With the world on its current track, I see many people affected by the technology. Whats to expect for what the future has in store for us?

Chapter 9: Mind revealed

Blog 9:

The mind can be very powerful. The mind has comprehended speech, feelings and body functions. In another sense, the mind can be very deceiving and sometimes cannot be trusted. You can generally trust your mind when it tells you something is hot just by looking at it, or when you wake up because your mind told you to. Or how about those times when inside voices tell you to go for it and turns out to be as painful as it looked. All and all you must proceed with caution or pay for it in the end.

Chapter 8: Chang that hip-hop

Blog 8:

I came to the conclusion that hip-hop has come to be how an entire generation sees the world. When rap first came out, it was more of a political rap filled with anger. As the hip-hop became rich, the tone changed to having expensive cars, houses, and money. Hip-hop is more mainstream then we think, with endorsements, clothing, shoes, and many more products backed by hip-hop artist. The youth is being told how to dress and what someone should look like or act thru music. It’s a new empire for the new generation, out with the old, in with the new.

Chapter 7: Environmental activism

Blog 7:

The importance of environmental activism is to where people take action to protect the environment. The green movement is inspired to bring about its vision of a better world. Whether it’s picking trash up from the side of the road or walking to the grocery store instead of driving helps little by little protecting the planet. Our planet will be able to withstand any climate change but not so fortunate for people. So go out make the change, help make the planet green.

Chapter 6: Foucault prison system

Blog 6:

Foucault’s reluctance was very true when he spoke about the prison situation in the mid-1800. Crime rates did not go down they stayed the same as the prison system was a head spin. Think about it, the prison system today is just like how it was back in the 1800’s, overcrowded, degrading, and a waste of money. There should be a better plan to implement the reformed prisoners back into society then and now; the expendables are simply being expendable. This may sound inhumane, but I’m sure what they did to become expendable was inhumane.

Chapter 5: War Stories

Blog 5:

My reactions to the war stories in general are quite sad. I will be honest I understand why a war can occur but for the most part, I do not see a celebration in people killing each other not even after a victory. So many young woman and men die out there losing their lives for going out there and fighting these battles. Chapter five reminded me of that only if back then and now things could have been fixed peacefully, but what can I say this is the world we live in. War does not determine right, it determines who left.

Chapter 4: Close Friends

Blog 4:

Growing up with a friend of mine for the past 15 plus years is well respected to be called a brother to me. Yes, we have are ups and downs on things but I would think that is normal to anyone. The thing that’s cool about it is that we rarely do disagree on things because he and I think a lot alike. Even if we do go our separate ways and blows up to a big argument a few hours later we still end up being good friends. This goes to show how close we are. Whereas hearing from other friends that are close like that not being friends any more.

Chapter 3: School Experience

Blog: 3

With previous school experience, an important lesson perhaps others and I are able to learn from is the misuse help from guidance counselors. They helped me pursue my goal to further my education to do what I want to do in the workplace and become a better person overall. I’ve learned that if you do not understand something don’t push it aside, ask them and they will better guide you to what fits your understanding. In grade school, I didn’t take it serious enough but now that I’m older and in college, I’m glad they’re people there to help you every step of the way.

Chapter 2: Family Memory

Blog 2:

A memory from a family event that had impacted me on growth and development would be the separation of my mom and dad. Shortly after, I began going through depression constantly asking myself if my mom and dad separate because of me. It was hard for me being the only man in the house at that time because I never experienced that father son experience. As I lived with my mom and sister, they helped me to realize that things do happen and it turn out not to be my fault. Yes, at one point I felt crushed but overtime I’m thankful one way or another that my family will always be there for me.

Chapter 1: Childhood Memory

Blog 1:

When I was about 9 years old I use take Tae Kwon Do until I’ve reach my goal at being a first degree black belt. I had some kick boxing background experience as that is a huge advantage when it came to sparring. The first match was easy as it was just a warm match but my next match caught me off guard. Usually there would be an all boys tournament and an all girls tournament, but my next opponent I had to spare with was a girl. Me thinking its going to be pieces of cake, later I soon realize that was a mistake and misjudged her. I found out soon why she was in the boys tournament as she was just as strong and good as the boys. From that day on I would think twice about women’s hidden strength from now on.